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Ginny Tran

Web Developer

About me

About Me

Know me more

I'm Ginny, a Web Developer

I am an enthusiastic developer and a resourceful problem-solver eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent organization skills. I am proactive and motivated to learn, grow and exellent in Web Development related field.

I have a clear understanding of coding and modern web technologies using MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJs, React and NodeJs) stack as well as knowledge in applying Clean Architecture and Design Pattern concepts for building scalable and maintainable applications. I am well familiar with tools like Git, Github and NPM for installing Node packages.

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My education


Full-stack Web Developer

Business College Helsinki

The program is intensive and focused on modern web technologies, including Javascript, React and Redux libraries and Node, MySQL and MongoDB.
Student team based projects in collaboration with partner companies provide core skills needed to work as a software developer in an Agile environment.


Self-taught Developer

Udemy & freeCodeCamp

Learn to build web pages using HTML for content, CSS for design and Javascript for interacting with the DOM. CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid as well as Bootstrap are applied to make web pages responsive.
On-going process to grow and excellent in the field.


Industrial Management

Savonia University of Applied Sciences

The studies provided students the fundamentals of mathematics, natural sciences and business concepts and operations.
Thesis topic: how to reduce internal damage at IKEA Kuopio warehouse.

My Skills

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 85%

Javascript 80%

Reactjs 78%

Node, ExpressJs 78%

Databases (MySQL, MongoDB)62%

Clean Architecture, Design Pattern 65%

OAuth 2.065%

Git, Github, CI/CD80%

Domain Name System 70%

Content Delivery NetWork 70%


My Work

MERN Full-stack

The application is for members to host and manage their events. MERN stack , Clean Architecture and Design Pattern are main features that are used to build the application. Mailing services provided by Mailgun.

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Personal portfolio built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and external Javascript libraries.


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